Apr 23, 2020

Head in the cloud: how Barco enables remote outcomes

BYOM · Enterprise · Diagnostic imaging · Healthcare · Innovative technology · 4 min read

Remember the turn of the century, twenty years ago? It probably feels like yesterday. With the beginning of the new millennium came a rapid digital shift that was all about mobilization and connectivity. During the current COVID-19 crisis, with people working at home and our social calendars being stripped to the bare minimum, people start marveling at the speed at which our society is moving forward.

As technology is becoming more complex, young digital natives are entering the workforce. They are youngsters who keep up by slowing down: the importance of a healthy work-life balance is rising, and people are less bound to physical spaces such as the office.

One of the results of this is a tendency towards more creativity in the fulfillment of our jobs. Barco is on the train too, and we’re investing continually in new possibilities for our customers to join us in the millennial revolution. Not with our head in the clouds, but with our head in the cloud.

1. Remote work

Remote work policies have been quite common for some time now. It has many advantages: you don’t need to give up valuable time off when an electrician comes by to fix something. And when one of the kids catches the flu, parents can keep working as they take care of them. On top of that, working away from the hustle and bustle of the office can boost productivity and concentration.

However, home working policies are not always easy to offer, and have in the past often been used for exceptional situations, such as the examples above illustrate. For some types of jobs, which often rely on technological installations, advancements are now also clearing the way towards a deeper integration of more flexible working policies. Keyword: efficiency.

Ensuring security from your smartphone

For example, Barco offers SecureStream, an easy-to-use software system for control rooms operators, which allows them to stream information outside the operations room. This is useful when they work with external specialists, or with people who are onsite – at the site of a traffic accident, for instance.

CT scans from the hospital to the home

We also noticed a tendency for radiologists to read medical images at home. However, the files they process are very large and incredibly detailed, so it’s not as simple as opening their laptop at home. For them, too, we came up with an easy solution to access their data remotely, so they can enjoy the same quality and security at home as in the hospital.

2. Remote collaboration

Of course, we’re never alone in our work. Remote teamwork solutions are crucial when long distances, busy schedules or even travel bans prevent meeting up face-to-face. Here, too, Barco enables you to keep in touch with your colleagues.

Bring Your Own Meeting

We recently extended our ClickShare family with ClickShare Conference: a unique wireless conferencing system that allows to ‘bring your own meeting’: from anywhere and with any device. The combination of our well-known ClickShare button with the collaboration app makes hybrid meetings as smooth as they get.

Fighting cancer, remotely together

Back to the medical world, where meetings can have a more complex character, especially when they concern cancer. Cancer cases are treated by a group of medical professionals together, so they need to share a lot of delicate information and meet up to discuss. With Synergi, these professionals can rely on a hybrid software system that enables them to easily organize, share and discuss all the information they need. Whether they’re together in the same room, and/or joining remotely.

Due to the impact and regulations connected with the COVID-19 crisis, we offer healthcare organizations a free 3-month subscription to Barco Synergi. 
Distance learning & class engagement

Digital teaching and learning is not new. Still, due to COVID-19, business schools, universities and corporate companies across the globe have suddenly been forced to close their buildings and find creative solutions to keep their education and training programs running. The result? A massive turn towards remote learning – though many schools fall into the trap of videoconferencing tools and realize sooner or later that it’s not easy to keep their classes engaged.

The answer is to choose for purpose-built solutions that are meant for education and training workflows. Barco offers weConnect, a virtual classroom software that is dedicated specifically to distance learning in real-time without giving up on class engagement and contact between teacher and customer. You can experience it yourself here.

3. Remote monitoring & management

The IT team forms the backbone of many organizations. Sometimes, they have a large fleet of tech installations to guard, that can be spread across different campuses or countries, making it impossible for a rather small team to be in multiple places at once. So at Barco, we also offer a range of solutions for remote monitoring of IT and AV installations.

Keep improving your meetings

Are you already a ClickShare user? That’s great! You might find it useful to gain some additional insights into usage, so your organization can get the most out of its digital workplace. The XMS Cloud Management Platform does exactly that: it’s your ideal companion to get worldwide access to your install base.

Enhance your large video wall management

WallConnect Cloud is our cloud-based solution for enhanced large video wall management. Manage your complete installed base from a central location for faster and more effective troubleshooting. All of this in a completely secure manner, of course!

We’ve got your back

Barco has you covered. Even during the uncertain COVID-19 period, our service teams are ready to help you with any issues popping up.