Cinamon revives stylish cinema experiences with Barco Laser
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Opening fall 2018: Baltic States exhibitor brings back the ambiance of cinemas past to deliver magical movie experiences
Cinamon has commissioned the richest amenities, from elegant interior furnishings to the most innovative technologies, to launch its latest high-concept theaters in Helsinki, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia. What’s powering the best selection of new movies? None other than Barco laser projection from Cinionic!
An alliance built on a shared appreciation of quality
Cinamon is no stranger to the outstanding image quality of Barco projectors, having been an early adopter of its digital cinema solutions since 2009. Now, the company is eagerly embracing Barco Laser to dramatically enhance the cinema experience with stunning brightness, vibrant colors and high contrast. It even makes today’s 3D movies much more realistic!
“We want to treat our guests to a special occasion every time they visit a Cinamon theater, providing the ultimate in comfort and coziness with top technology in both interior design and movie presentation,” comments Toomas Luhats, the commercial director of Cinamon Holding. “Barco Laser allows us to deliver a premium experience that beautifully reflects our focus on luxury.”
Cinamon will rely on a wide variety of Barco Smart Laser and Flagship models, many with Barco Alchemy on board. Opening at the T1 Mall this fall, its new jewel in the crown in Tallinn promises to be the most modern cinema in Estonia.
Also this fall, Cinamon opens its first theater in Finland at the brand new REDI shopping center; it’s highly anticipated as the perfect amenity to appeal to a new generation of entertainment-seeking shoppers. Barco Laser will be used exclusively in the new multiplex.
“Increasingly, we are seeing premium movie exhibitors embrace Barco Laser as a way of embodying their luxury-quality brand, where high concept and innovation are key attributes,” comments Serge Plasch, Chief Commercial Officer at Cinionic. “We can deliver on Cinamon’s vision, offering exquisite image quality and operational advantages that make an all-Barco laser multiplex a sound investment.”