
Discover the new features of Barco Alchemy

投影机 · 1 分钟阅读

The Barco Alchemy Integrated Cinema Media Processor (ICMP) combines media server functionalities with cinema processing electronics into a single projector module with on-board storage. We're continuously updating the Barco Alchemy ICMP to better match your needs. The latest software release (version 1.2.2) includes a wide array of new functionalities.

What’s new?
  • Faster ingest speed
    Compared to version 1.2.1, we’ve doubled the ingest speed. It now takes only 45 minutes to ingest a standard movie. 

  • Reverse USB tethering
    You can connect any Android tablet or smart phone to the Barco ICMP and use it as a touch panel.
  • Resizing
    Content can be flexibly scaled from any input to match your screen parameters. Both up- and downscaling are available.
  • HDMI 3D
    As BluRay 3D is more and more used as alternative content input, it’s now also supported by the ICMP.
  • Improved postproduction support
    Most of the dedicated features inside Communicator Postproduction are available on the Barco Alchemy projectors too.
  • Enhanced control functions
    The control page of the ICMP Web Commander and Commander software includes pattern, lens, and light control as well.

To have access to these features, make sure to download Communicator version 5.0.12 first.

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