Interactive, real-time views smooth Canadian roadways

Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA · 2018

Although considered a large city, Winnipeg doesn’t have a robust freeway system like most cities of its size. Instead, the city manages traffic flows using signal lights, and previously relied on reports from residents or sighting from staff to help remedy incidents in a timely manner. Now, with a Barco collaborative visualization platform as the centerpiece of Winnipeg’s new Transportation Management Center, the agency has significantly improved situational awareness, leading to smoother travel for its residents and visitors and fastest decision-making in case.


  • TransForm N streaming media platform with NGS-D220
  • Control Room Management Suite (CMS) collaboration software
  • OverView IVD-5521 tiled video wall


  • Sophisticated control software fuels remote, inter-agency coordination
  • Powerful encoders ensure high-quality, low-latency video streaming
  • Near-seamless LCD wall displays expansive views with precise detail

Real-time information sharing speeds incident response
To bring its traffic operations into the 21st Century, the city invested $3.6 million in a new traffic incident management system. A new Signal Management System and Video Management System (VMS) outfitted with 70 traffic cameras help technical staff verify traffic situations at key locations and remotely adjust traffic signals – in minutes instead of days. A plethora of data sources and information is seamlessly integrated onto a TransForm N-driven Barco IVD-5521 LCD video wall and shared with other main displays and operator screens thanks to the Control Room Management Software Suite.

The Barco platform brings in multiple sources which operators can configure with CMS Perspectives for just the right view

Jonathan Foord

Signal Asset Engineer for City of Winnipeg

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